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CCSD Upholds Rights to Free and Appropriate Education for All

Children in Nevada are entitled to a free appropriate public education, irrespective of their immigration status. The Clark County School District does not check any student’s immigration status and is not responsible for enforcing federal immigration law.

Should any law enforcement officer or government agent appear at one of our schools, staff should verify their identity (e.g., ask for identification) and ask for the reason for the visit. If there is a concern with either the identity of the officer or agent or the reason for their visit, staff should immediately contact the Clark County School District Police Department (CCSDPD). Per their General Orders, CCSDPD officers are not responsible for and do not enforce federal civil immigration laws.

In 2017, the School Board of Trustees adopted a resolution reinforcing the District’s commitment to students regardless of immigration status.

We are Hiring for 2025-2026

We have a fantastic opportunity to add positions to our team. Please contact Jennifer Hamby if you are interested!​​​​​

  • Primary Autism Teacher

  • Intermediate Autism Teacher

2025-2026 Title I Allocation

Rogers Elementary School has been designated as  a Title I school for the 2025-2026 school year. We have been allocated $283,416.

2024-2025 Supply List

Please click HERE to view our 2024-2025 supply list. 

Dads in School Volunteer Program

Rogers Elementary School is excited to partner with Dads in Schools, a program that invests in students’ social-emotional wellbeing and academic progress through community investment, resulting in increased school safety, student self-confidence, and student belonging. The program unites the community by bringing volunteers into schools to help create a positive and safe environment in which students can thrive both academically and socially. The goal is “prevention through presence.”
Dads in Schools volunteers receive training in promoting consistent daily attendance, restorative justice best practices, anonymous SafeVoice reporting procedures, and removing barriers to success. All of the volunteers must pass a background check to be a part of Dads in Schools. If you are interested in giving back to your school community by serving as a volunteer, please complete this form:

Rogers Round-Up Newsletter

Please click below for links to the Rogers Round-Up!


Rogers Round-Up

SOT Meeting

An SOT meeting will be held on January 29, 2025 @ 3:35 pm. Click the link below to view the agenda.

SOT Agendas and Minutes

Spirit Days

Click HERE for the 2024-2025 spirit day schedule.


SafeVoice is an anonymous tip report system with live response 24/7/365. Safevoice (SV) includes and goes beyond bullying to create an anonymous way to also report threats of school violence and friends at risk of suicide, self-harm, drugs and more.

The Parent Institute Electronic Library

We are excited to partner with The Parent Institute to bring you an electronic library of resources to support your child at school.


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Community Partners

© 2024 Lucille S Rogers.

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