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If students conduct themselves in such a manner that the best interests of the school are in jeopardy, disciplinary action may be necessary. Possible consequences are time out, removal from playground, and/or a required parent conference.


Behavior NOT in the best interest of the school is defined as:


  • Fighting

  • Open defiance of school staff

  • Toys, playthings, or other inappropriate items that are a nuisance or distraction in the classroom or on the playground

  • Foul or obscene language

  • Theft

  • Intimidation or extortion

  • Leaving campus without permission

  • Pulling fire alarms

  • Having dangerous items, drugs, or alcohol


We focus our social emotional learning on the principles of being:
Respectful, Responsible, and Really Kind.


Students and classes that model the 3 R’s throughout the school day will earn Raptor Reward tickets. Students can redeem tickets for Raptor Reward Prizes.

Dress Code

  1. There will be no see-through tops, bare midriffs, or other abbreviated clothing.

  2. No spaghetti straps are permitted; all sleeveless shirts must have straps at least 3 inches wide and cover the shoulders.

  3. All attire shall reach within 5 inches from the top of the kneecap. Shorts must be hemmed and without fraying.

  4. Shoes with soles shall be worn at all times. Shoes, which do not offer sanitary or safety protection shall be prohibited.

*Students will be expected to dress appropriately according to approved code; students not dressed appropriately will be sent home to change.

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